Flourishing thru change membership

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Change can be hard, but it's inevitable. If you've struggled with change in the past, or if you just want to learn new ways to deal with the changes life throws at you, this membership club is for you. Wherever you are in life's journey, we can help.

What do you get with your membership?

In addition to videos, articles, worksheets, supplemental tools, and a Facebook community that will provide guidance and support, this membership will lead you down a path toward making Jin Shin Jyutsu part of your regular self-care routine. Along the journey, you'll receive tips to help navigate change in a healthy way. Are you ready to flourish?

Discover: What is Jin Shin Jyutsu? Where did it come from? How can it help you?

Explore: Learn how energy flows through your body and how gentle touch can harmonize that energy. Learn how to balance emotion by holding your fingers. Understand the importance of the breath and its relation to overall health and wellness. Begin to understand how to perform self-help routines and experience the benefits of Jin Shin Jyutsu.

Refine: Introduce more in-depth self-help practices, including information from Mary's Burmeister's self-help books. Opportunity to attend two online self-care workshops.(Two workshops, valued at $110 each, are included with your membership.)

Embrace: Learn how to incorporate Jin Shin Jyutsu into your daily life. Personalize your self-care to fit your needs and lifestyle. Rediscover the joys of living well.

These incredible tools are only available to members, so join the club today! If you're ready to say goodbye to anxiety, frustration and fear of change, this club is for you. Many people are unaware of this ancient Japanese practice, but you don't have to be one of them. Join today and let me introduce you to the tools that have helped me live a joyful, healthy life. You deserve joy and wellness too!

Jin Shin Jyutsu self-care has been used for centuries all over the world. It's so easy, so gentle and so adaptable to any situation. I will guide you through this interactive membership program. The more you engage with the tools, the more customized your experience will be.

By becoming a member, you'll join the many people worldwide who use Jin Shin Jyutsu to help manage stress, reduce pain, restore balance, embrace health and so much more.

Before you know it, you'll be flourishing thru change!

Your Instructor

Gail Okray
Gail Okray

Gail Okray was inspired by her passion for the Japanese art of Jin Shin Jyutsu to open Key Elements for health. She has been a Jin Shin Jyutsu Physio-philosophy practitioner since 1998. Over the years, Gail has motivated hundreds of individuals to move toward a healthier and more vibrant life through this ancient Japanese art.

Gail’s own experience with chronic pain and fibromyalgia led her to Jin Shin Jyutsu. After more than ten years of doctor visits, tests and agony, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1995. This is ultimately what lead her to the Japanese art of Jin Shin Jyutsu. Through personal sessions and the power of self-help, Gail's life was transformed. She moved from a state of pain, muscle discomfort and weakness to a happier, healthier, more productive life.

Through self-care workshops, community outreach programs and various speaking engagements, Gail enjoys sharing her knowledge of Jin Shin Jyutsu with her community. She has worked with the Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI), the Aging and Disability Resource Center and Beacon House. Gail is also a resource to local practitioners by leading Jin Shin Jyutsu study groups and organizing practitioner-level classes in Green Bay, WI.

Course Curriculum

  Implementing our basics.
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ)?
You’re probably already familiar with the concept of acupuncture and acupressure. Jin Shin Jyutsu comes from similar roots. Did you know there’s energy flowing through your body all the time? It flows like a river following specific paths. Eastern cultures have been studying these pathways for thousands of years, finding ways to improve health and wellness by balancing the flow of energy. What makes JSJ stand out from other philosophies is that we use different tools to achieve the same result. That means no needles and no pressure. When your energy pathways are blocked or weakened, it throws your physical, mental and/or emotional state out of whack. You may feel this as pain, fatigue, anxiety or restlessness. Here’s what you may not realize: Every person possesses the ability to help themselves.
Is it safe?
Yes, Jin Shin Jyutsu is entirely safe and completely non-invasive.
Is this like massage, acupuncture, acupressure, shiatsu or reiki?
All of those modalities focus on clearing the paths of energy flow. Jin Shin Jyutsu comes from similar roots. Energy flows through your body like a river, following specific pathways. Eastern cultures have been studying these pathways for thousands of years, looking for ways to improve health and wellness by balancing the flow of energy. What makes Jin Shin Jyutsu stand out from other philosophies is that we use different tools to achieve the same result. That means no needles and no pressure.
What training have you had?
I became a practitioner after taking several five-day training seminars from instructors chosen by Mary Ino Burmeister, the woman who introduced Jin Shin Jyutsu to America. I am a certified practitioner through the Jin Shin Jyutsu main office (located in Scottsdale, Arizona). I generally take 2 or more classes each year and have also taken small-group mentoring classes offered at the Jin Shin Jyutsu main office.
What is the difference between these courses and your six-hour self-help seminars using Mary Burmeister's self-help books?
This membership is designed to be a supplement to our six-hour self-help seminars, and they are especially beneficial to people who are unable to attend a class in person due to distance or health concerns. The self-help seminars based on Mary's books offer a more in-depth look at the philosophy behind the art and a more experiential approach to self help. At the seminar, you get plenty of hands-on practice time, real-time answers to your questions, and increased confidence in your ability to perform the holds. At Key Elements for health, we teach each of Mary's three books independently. Each class is six hours, and includes the book, handouts and lunch. For more information about our self-help classes, visit http://www.keyelementswi.com/workshops/. This online membership subscription delve into specific ailments and focus mainly on symptom relief to help you feel better. Also, the information that is shared are only 20 minutes, 30 minutes or 60 minutes long, and they can be taken at your leisure.
How will this course help me?
Jin Shin Jyutsu does something that many other modalities do not: It gives you the opportunity to help yourself, rather than depending solely on the practitioner to help alleviate your ailments. Through this course, you will learn simple, step-by-step self-care holds that can easily be incorporated into your everyday life.
When does the membership subscription start and finish?
The membership starts now, and continues as long as you pay your membership subscription. There is a Let's get back to basic area that you can begin anytime. It gets anyone up to speed on the language and principles that we will use during our time together. Great for a review for the seasoned self-care person or the new person.
How can I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have access to this membership subscription across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the membership subscription?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!